What Makes PGC Takra 2024-25 Bigger, Bolder, and Brighter?

PGC Takra 2024-25

Hey PGC students, the wait is over. The most awaited annual intra-college event of the Punjab Group of Colleges- ‘PGC Takra’ is back. We witnessed your enthusiasm last year and were super delighted to see the level of talent and sportsmanship you displayed in Takra 2023. Hence, we are bringing PGC TAKRA 2025- Bigger, Bolder and Brighter for you to showcase your talents in new dimensions. What does PGC Takra 2024-25 hold? And how can you get the best out of it? How can you finish big? And what are the ways to stay connected are all included in this article. Just read it till the last and you will have all your answers. Let’s dive in.

Flashback to PGC Takra 2023

In Takra 2023, there were 11 categories in which students from 130+ cities unveiled their talents and the entire PGC was pleasantly surprised with the quality of their crafts. The finalist moves forward.  

Winners At PGC Takra 2023 

The outperformers (Multan Clusters) had a win and enjoyed the feeling of holding the PGC Takra 2023 trophy. The event was equally appreciated by the students cheering for their favourite team right from the audience ranks.  

PGC Takra 2024-25: Bigger, Bolder & Brighter!

PGC TAKRA is back with a bang! This time, this once-a-year talent show is even more crazy. We aren’t kidding. The PGC TAKRA 2024-25 is here with 15 exciting categories, in which you can showcase your talent like never before and feel proud of the big wins throughout the year with exciting prizes.  

PGC Takra 2024-25

From intellectual to physical talents- PGC TAKRA 2024-25 is open to all. Explore down to see your category to perform.  

  1. English Speech 
  2. Urdu Speech 
  3. Singing 
  4. Painting/ Sketching/Calligraphy 
  5. Still Photography 
  6. Standup Comedy 
  7. Drama 
  8. Badminton 
  9. Table Tennis 
  10. Cricket 
  11. Chess 
  12. Ludo 
  13. Vlog 
  14. Monologue 
  15. Ad-Mad Competition 

Voice your opinions with speeches in the language you know the best- just like an Orator. Who knows the next big orator is you. Those in love with Atif Aslam, or Kaavish – can let their peers witness the beauty of their voices with the PGC Takra 2024-25 singing competition- You can be the next national craze.  

Do your hands do the magic? Let your art speak without the words- with heart & nothing else. At PGC Takra 2025 either through paints, sketching pencils, or those crazy artistic strokes of cut nip. Remember, once a wise man saidArt washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso. 

The rest of the competitions are familiar to you so let’s talk about the new in Takra in 2024-25. There are three new and exciting additions for students to display their creative side in content-making most amusing way with the use of digital mediums.  

  • Vlog 
  • Monologue 
  • Ad-Mad Competition 

How Can You Participate in PGC Takra 2024-25?

By now, you must be wondering how you can take part in these competitions. The PGC Takra 2024-25 consists of two rounds.  

  1. Cluster Rounds 
  2. Final Rounds 

The way to move up to the top is very simple. Participate in the cluster rounds in which all the PGC campuses will participate to compete. The winners of the cluster events will be promoted to the final round to fight for the PGC Takra Trophy 2025. This would be an exciting event for the students of the Punjab Group of Colleges. You can contact your campus for further details, do it at the earliest.  

Exciting Events & Highlights So Far PGC Takra 2024-25

By the day, you read this blog, we are happy that the Takra 2025 is on the roll. We have started big and exciting with the cluster events in Cricket and other categories. So, don’t miss the massive chance to outshine all the odds. Approach your PGC campus and become a part of this enormous college event in history.   

What’s Next in the Basket? 

When all the events of the cluster round are completed, the winners will be taken forward to the final round to be held in the final PGC Takra 2024-25 event. There is so much to witness- talents, passion, sportsman spirits, and unity all in the PGC way.  

Win Big & Brag It Out 

Hence, make your mark on all your friends and family, take one step forward and just give your best in the category of your choice in your campus trials and cluster events.  Win it big and brag it out. Who knows, maybe you will be the next champion of your league either in cricket, badminton, table tennis, or chess.  Remember to make it memorable and finish on the top. 

Stay Tuned for More on PGC TAKRA 2025 

Finally, you have all the information, you need to know about PGC TAKRA 2024-25. But this is not all, to stay updated and know more about every event and win, stay connected with this mega event through the social media platforms of the Punjab Group of Colleges’ official pages. Take a step today and don’t wait for the next year. Once it was said that winners never quit, and quitters never win.   

World Aids Day 2024: Take the Rights Path!

World Aids Day 2024

Dec 1 is universally observed as World Aids Day. Every year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) undertakes a new theme to follow the goal of elimination of this disease around the globe. Similarly. In 2024, WHO have undertaken the theme of ‘Take the rights path: My health, my right’ for World Aids Day 2024. Let’s see what steps are taken for the betterment of this problem until 2030.

Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!

WHO calls on global leaders and citizens to champion the right to health. And, to commemorate World Aids Day 2024. This year’s theme is all about ensuring the presence and practice of health equality. This also includes the people living with HIV or AIDS have access to health care benefits everywhere. Every year 1st December is observed as a World Aids Day.

The main messages of World Aids Day 2024 are as follows.

  • Health is a human right
  • Prevention empowers and protects
  • Address stigma and discrimination
  • Prioritise and reach vulnerable and key populations
  • Champion access to life-saving treatments to attain HIV viral suppression
  • Move towards the aids-free future

These are some of the main messages which are a part of World Aids Day 2024 by WHO. In a nutshell. Everyone should have access to the health service, which should not exclude patients with HIV. In addition, protection is only ensured by the prevention of unhealthy and unsafe practices.  

Furthermore, it is a reality that we cannot exclude a hundred per cent of people from HIV. However, we must approach the population more prone, or at stake for awareness to stay safe. Or to ensure their recovery or treatment if affected and diagnosed or affected and undiagnosed.  

AIDS in Facts & Figures

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) advances to a syndrome known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The signs, symptoms, transmission matters and other details can be read in the previous blogs at PGC.

In 2023, out of people with HIV, 86 per cent were aware of their status, 77 per cent were on antiretroviral therapy, and 72 per cent had suppressed viral roles.

2023 saw an estimated death toll of around 630000 people from HIV-related causes. In addition, 1.3 million people acquiring HIV.

HIV still is a major health issue worldwide. By now, it has claimed 42.3 million lives.

By 2025, the goal is for 95% of individuals living with HIV to be diagnosed, 95% of those diagnosed to be receiving lifesaving antiretroviral treatment, and 95% of those on treatment to achieve a suppressed viral load, both to improve their health and reduce the transmission of HIV. In 2023, the respective figures were 86%, 89%, and 93%.

Role of WHO in Combating HIV/AIDS

The Global Health Sector Strategies on HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and Sexually Transmitted Infections for 2022–2030 (GHSSs) provide a roadmap for strategic actions aimed at ending AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C, and sexually transmitted infections by 2030.

The WHO’s Global HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs Programmes advocate for both shared and disease-specific actions at the country level, with support from WHO and its partners. These strategies take into account epidemiological, technological, and contextual changes in recent years, promote learning, and create opportunities to harness innovation and new knowledge.

WHO’s programmes emphasize reaching populations most affected and at the highest risk for each disease, while addressing health inequities. Through a framework of universal health coverage and primary health care, these programmes contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

HIV in Pakistan

The first case of HIV in Pakistan was reported back in 1987 due to an unsafe blood transfusion. The country also has a few of the locally infectious cases of HIV in the last couple of decades. However, in the region of Asia-Pacific, Pakistan has the second fastest rate of AIDS breakdown.

As per the statistics of the National Aids Control Programme in Pakistan, the number of registered patients with HIV is 53718. Out of it, 32972 patients are on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the listed 51 centres.

How HIV is Perceived in Pakistan?

HIV/AIDS is a disease that is treated as a Taboo in the country. Though prevention is the only cure yet, Pakistani society feels extremely uneasy while talking about HIV or AIDS. However, for the sake of prevention, a better understanding is essential. In addition, there is a statutory requirement to update the laboratories, equipment, and procedures for testing. Also, to maintain cleanliness across the medical procedures is necessary.


On this World Aids Day 2024, please understand that prevention is the only cure for HIV or AIDS. It is essential to live a clean, and peaceful life in personal, inter and intra-relationships. Be mindful while undergoing blood transmissions or transfusions. Also, it is important to spread awareness about this disease to the youth for safer generations. Furthermore, it is important to practice the main messages of HIV from the World Health Organisation (2024).

Lahore SMOG: 2024 with the Worst Air Quality

SMOG 2024 in Lahore

Pakistan and its upper plain areas are facing the worst case of air pollution for the last eight years Since 2016, every October has come with a coolness in air alongside the black blanket of pollution. With all this pollution, Lahore- The City of Gardens crowned as the most polluted city in the World in 2024! Let’s explore what Lahore is facing in 2024 with the worst air quality in October 2024.    

The Fifth Season of South Asia 

Across the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP), every year there comes a season of air pollution with high pollutants, low visibility, and severe socio-economic disruptions. The cities mostly effected are the highly populated areas of Pakistan and India. Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Amritsar, and Delhi are the crucial ones to mention.  

Research shows that there has been an insane increase in the primary sources of air pollution in these areas in the previous ten years. The major reasons are cropping residue burning and an increase in the usage of motor vehicles.  

Diseases caused by SMOG

Top Causes of Air Pollution and SMOG 

In addition to the burning of crop residues, the primary responsibility of severe air pollution lies upon the shoulders of transportation. Contributing to the nuisance of killer air quality lowing down to insane smog around 39% in 2022, and also reported at 83.15% in 2023. Other major factors include the  

  • Emissions from industry,  
  • Energy sector,  
  • Agriculture sector,  
  • Non-combustion industrial processes.  
  • Commercial
  • Domestic
  • Waste procedures

All these sectors produce fossil fuels and harmful elements like vehicular emissions, and industrial waste. Furthermore, air pollution multiplies and stays strong because of the lack of wind and rain which could clean the atmosphere naturally to make it livelier and more breathable.  

What 2024 Brings to the Table for SMOG? 

In 2024, the air quality index (AQI) is already unhealthy for the population at large. Following the trend, the issue is getting worse with every passing day. In October 2024, the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere was around 207.1 µg/m³ which is 41.4 times higher than the annual air quality guideline set up by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This situation makes the atmosphere very unhealthy for the public at large to breathe. Ultimately, the continuation of this pollution crisis can result in serious diseases like stroke, heart problems, and Lung cancer, respiratory issues of acute and chronic nature including Asthma.  

It is important to know that SMOG is not only a regional problem, but also a global issue. However, the severity of conditions does vary from region to region. For instance, there are more than 7 million deaths worldwide due to exposure to outdoor and indoor pollution. Furthermore, unfortunately, the Southeast Asia region tops the list with over 2 million bodies.  

Is There Any Permanent Solution Present? 

It is essential to combat the death blanket to safeguard current and future populations at all costs. For this, it is the need of hour, to come forward on both micro and macro levels to fight back to eliminate this nuisance permanently.  

Government of Punjab is taking the following initiatives to handle smog and air pollution effectively in 2024.  

SMOG Free Punjab Initiative  

By taking many steps, this flagship program seeks to address pollution at its source:  

  • Reduction of industrial smog 
  • Inspection of fuel quality  
  • Banning of tire burning  
  • Installation of smog reducing machinery 
  • Tree plantation drives 
  • Promotion of electric vehicles  
  • Closure of environment polluting industries 

Other noteworthy initiatives are Standing Committee of the Cabinet on SMOG Mitigation, Blue Skies (Greener Environment), overall, the government wants to work for better and greener environment in the following ways.  

The major sectors under focus include agriculture, industry, energy, households, transport, environment, and public health.  

Changes in Agriculture Sector 

– Focus on innovative solutions for crop residue management. 

– Implement campaigns to control stubble burning. 

– Raise awareness at the grassroot level to promote sustainable practices. 

Initiatives for Transport Sector 

– Launch the Green Mass Transit Initiative to enhance eco-friendly e-bus transportation. 

– Introducing the Green Wheels Programme providing 10000 EV bikes to students.  

– Establish a vehicle inspection and fitness certification system to reduce emissions. 

– Address traffic congestion in critical areas with dedicated traffic squads from the Environmental Protection Agency. 

– Monitoring of Smoke-emitting vehicles through CCTV.  

Steps for Environment Sector 

– Mitigation of fugitive dust and launch a campaign to manage waste and plastic.  

– Creation of regular response squads for quick action on environmental concerns. 

– Collaboration with the Environment Protection Agency and implement technological innovations. 

Deviations in Industrial Sector 

– Crack down on harmful practices, including tire pyrolysis plants and sub-standard fuel consumption. 

– Industrial monitoring with live CCTV feeds and drone surveillance of industrial clusters to avoid industrial wastes. 

– Transition brick kilns to latest technology and install emission control systems thoroughly. 

How Can We Reduce the SMOG for Years to Come? 

On the macro level, if the government successfully implements all these steps, it will impact the environment positively. However, as individuals, we all should also play our part to reduce pollution and stay safe in this hazardous environment.  

To Safeguard the Environment 

  1. Plant more and more trees. 
  2. Keep your vehicle in optimal condition. 
  3. Get your vehicle fuel from authentic stations to avoid low-quality fuel.  
  4. Avoid doing fireworks, and bonfires in private celebrations.  
  5. Don’t do construction in SMOG days. 
  6. Clean your Houses, Pathways, and Cities.
  7. Try to use degradable material for waste disposal  

To Safeguard Health 

  • Wear masks outdoors 
  • Drink lukewarm water in good quantity. 
  • Take Steam on regular basis
  • Use indoor plants for cleaner air. 
  • Consider air purifiers if the smog and dusty conditions are serious indoors.  
  • If you are more prone to respiratory issues, use your medications on time.  

Other precautions you can take are available on PGC.  

Wrap UP 

Smog is the worst form of air pollution. Unfortunately, Lahore and neighbouring cities have fallen under its prey since 2016. Since then, there has been an insane increase in health-related issues. Every year we lose over 2 million people due to air pollution. It is high time to take practical steps to eliminate this devil from our lives! For that, we all have to work together!  



Explore the Teachers’ Impact on International Teachers Day 2024 

Happy Teachers Day 2024


Teachers are the backbone of any society. Without them, there is no concept of an educated population. Every year, International Teachers Day is celebrated. Likewise, on October 5th, Pakistan also celebrates the day to pay tribute to these social builders. Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) will never fail to appreciate the efforts and impact our teachers have shown over the years. Let’s explore how our teachers impact our students in their educational journey.

Teachers- Torchbearers for the Future

The teachers are undoubtedly the torchbearers for the future. In every class, starting from schools to colleges and universities- around 18 years, we all have teachers around us. None of us can deny the influence drawn by teachers.

Some are our favourites, some are strict, some are friendly, and some share their life experiences and lessons. But all of them give us an outlook towards life—to do or to avoid! It depends upon how our perspective develops.

Love for Learning Develops through Teachers

With perspectives, teachers also develop many other things in our personalities. Some of our likings, dislikes and social and economic choices are built on the influence of our mentors in the short-term and long-term life.

However, on the top of the list, teachers majorly implant Love for learning, reading, and books. These are mostly literature, philosophy, and language mentors of Urdu and English.

The beauty of the narrations and the depth of their stanza explanations connect us to one or other writers, poets, or philosophers. We become rich through their imaginative explanations and develop our own bonds of solace with these cherished treasures over time.

Teachers are the First Super Heroes for Children

How can we forget our teacher, who has been our first superhero after our mom and dad? That one whose bravery left us amazed, or that one who rescued us from the headmistress’s undue anger or the bullying of our seniors? We all still remember these faces, as they are our beloved teachers!

Teachers like these have developed the strength of truth and character in our personalities, which ultimately helped us decide to take a stand for what’s right!

The Builders of Confidence & Self Love

You and I are indebted to that teacher who pushed us to participate in that one play in the college’s annual drama! When we lacked confidence in ourselves, that particular teacher showed complete confidence in our abilities.

From there, we saw the ability that had been hidden from our eyes! Eventually, we worked on it, and today, we all love ourselves!

Teachers Teach the Values of Empathy & Care

During class lectures, teachers taught us much more than the courses and topics of Biology, Mathematics, and Physics! Yes! We unconsciously learned empathy and care from them.

Many teachers undermine their impact on their students’ lives! But little do they know, unknowingly, that they shape our soft and hard skills.

We have been impressed by the dressing style and developed the esthetic sense via our exceptionally well-dressed mentor in our college. We all have one or two teachers in our memory who inspired us and taught us the benefits of power dressing!

Teachers Make Us Learn to Fight

In addition to the power dressing, our teachers also draw our attention to fighting for the right, in the right way! Many of them make us aware of our strengths and listen to our emotional state. They understand where we are coming from, and they teach us to stand true to our values and refrain from taking wrongful actions.

They often emphasise focusing on education, skill building, and emotional management. Teachers are the only ones who can do it the way they do. Teachers are the best people in our lives, telling us to lead from the front without compromising our value system.
Students Develop the Grip on Subject through Teachers

Last but not least, teachers are the only source of learning and getting a strong grip on any subject and topic during the entire educational journey. Our high scores, achievements, and possibilities to grab that merit scholarship are all made possible because of the efforts and knowledge sharing of our teachers.

PGC Salutes Teachers for their Academic Efforts

We at Punjab Group of Colleges salute our teachers, keeping in mind their unmatched efforts. Since the inception of PGC, the teachers of each subject working in any campus of PGC have proven their uncompromising talent, effort, and love for the youth of Pakistan.

Every year, our students make PGC proud by scoring top positions in the board exams for intermediate and BS courses. This is impossible without the guidance, mentorship, and effort our teachers put into our students’ education and learning!

The ravishing and glorifying results of intermediate part I and II are the latest proof of the excellence of our teachers at PGC.

Wrapping Up

PGC pays tribute to the teachers around the world, in the country, and to our own teachers. Happy Teachers Day 2024 to all of you! We are very thankful for your services and efforts in shaping Pakistan’s future.

Win BIG with ARVO Books!!! PGC Calling Punjabians to Participate!

Win big with ARVO


We know our students love videography and the scenes of posting views are on. Hence, Punjab Colleges want all the Punjabians to make a review about ARVO digital Books. Post that video and get a chance to WIN BIG with ARVO Books.  

Make a Review Video with Your Digital Books 

The task is simple for this ARVO video contest. You must follow the following steps and submit your link with your campus coordinator.  

  1. Take your ARVO Digital Books  
  2. Share your opinion about how these digital books are helpful for you. You can consider all the features for this WIN BIG with ARVO Books contest. The available features in the ARVO books are as follows for your considerations.  


Win big with ARVO

The ARVO Books are packed with QR Codes linking to engaging video lectures, 3D animated diagrams, on-demand tests, and yes, how can we forget about interactive games? 

  1. This opinion is to be shown in a 2–4-minute video on any of the features we have listed above.  
  2. Upload this awesome video you have made on any of the social media and video streaming websites like YouTube, Instagram or Facebook with public access.  
  3. Add hashtags #WinwithARVO and #PGCWorld 
  4. Please make sure the video content matches the competition’s theme.  
  5. Don’t forget to share the link of your insanely creative video with your campus coordinator.  

Win with ARVO

Judging Criteria

Of course, when there is a prize, there is a proper judgement. Therefore, please look at the criteria to decide carefully to make your video in the best way possible.  

  1. The video with the maximum reach will win 
  2. Innovation is always valued and admired at Punjab Colleges, hence, Punjabians, try your most creative idea for this #WinwithARVO video competition. Only then, will your video have brighter chances to stand out. 
  3. Also, ensure your video content matches the competition theme. And, 
  4. The duration of this video should be limited to 2-4 minutes only.  

Want to Stand out and #WINwithARVO? 

Play Authentic 

The audience always loves authenticity. Hence, mention the ARVO Feature, which is your most favourite. This will help you sound and appear more genuine and authentic in your ARVO review for Win Big with ARVO.   

Aling the Theme 

This! Don’t forget aligning to the video competition theme. Otherwise, no matter how much authentic, interesting your video may be, it won’t count. 

Stay Concise 

Yes, try to manage your time and massage in your best way. The more concise your message would, it would be good! However, manage it between 2-4 minutes. Make your message effective and cute!  

Be Creative 

Your creativity can take you to the first prize in the #WinwithARVO. Therefore, take a good time to plan your message, video and editing details before execution. This will not only safe your time but also awaken your creative muscles.  

Keep Your Audience in Mind 

Last but not the least, keep your target audience in your mind before making the video. This will help you plan your video and design your message in more effective way.  

Apply your Video Editing Mantras 

The most important part! Test your video editing skills. Let’s see Punjabians! How creative you are. Make your video appealing for your audience.  


Now, let’s discuss the prize our winners will get for Win Big with ARVO. Grand prize for number one position is PKR 100000/-, whereas the top 3 positions will get 30,000 PKR prize each, from each city.  


As a final reminder-PGC is bringing an opportunity to #WinwithARVO for students at Punjab Colleges. You can follow our official social media pages to stay updated about the latest development on Win Big with ARVO.  Follow on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. 


Global Literacy Day 2024: PGC Fetes Glorious Results for Intermediate

Global Literacy Day 2024 

History of Global Literacy Day 2024 

In 1967, UNESCO declared September 8th the ‘International Literacy Day.’ Since then, this day has been celebrated globally to recognise, analyse, and plan to increase the quantity and quality of literacy.  

According to the available records, the global literacy rate for 15-years old and above is around 86 %. If we look deeper, the worldwide rate for male literates is 90%, and for females is 82.7 %.  

Purpose of Celebrating the International Literacy Day 

Literacy is the word used for the ‘ability to read and write.’ However, it is not the whole aspect; it is just an introduction. The ability also includes the power of knowing, learning, analysing, and deciding what’s right and wrong.  

The decision-making and the ability to effective communication also comes directly with the ability of literacy.  

Status of Literacy in Pakistan  

While literacy is a global matter of concern, Pakistan also plays a noticeable part in the statistical data. This data also affects our domestic performance. Moreover, it is used to compare the developmental ratio with the neighbouring countries of South Asia and the world.  

Even after more than 75 years of its creation, Pakistan still has a low literacy rate compared to other countries. The ratio varies widely between cities or provinces. For example, in Islamabad, 96 percent of the population is literate, while in the interior Sindh, the same percentage is 23. 

Henceforth, on average, the rate of literacy in Pakistan still counts at around 62.3 per cent. 

United Nations calculates literacy in a broader term. The ‘global literacy day’ not only calculates the living beings who can read or write but also the following elements are included in the calculation. 

  • Education & Literacy 
  • Science, Technology & Innovation 
  • Culture 
  • Communication & Information  

In addition, the number of out of school children is also a part of the national rate of literacy in every country. Globally, there are 61 million children out of schools due to diverse reasons.  

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, there are 5 million children out of school. Now imagine the rate of educated teens aged 14-16 years in intermediate classes. Therefore, it is a great element of luck if a student gets an opportunity to study and develop their career brightly for a better and prosperous future. – (which is a natural birthright of a human being to be educated.)  

PGC Students Stand Tall in Intermediate First Annual Examination Results 2024 

On September 04, 2024, the official intermediate 2024 results for part 1 & part 2 were declared by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), respectively. The PGC students have shown a wonderful success rate and have top positions in FSC, ICS, ICOM, and the humanities.  

We at PGC are proud of you! 

Thanks to the Hardworking & Robust Teachers Base at PGC  

Punjab Colleges (PGC) is so proud of the students of intermediate part I and part II for their glorifying results. At the same time, it is unjust not to be thankful to the teachers who put in their blood and sweat in these crucial years of 11th and 12th classes.  

You have undoubtedly played your part in enhancing Pakistan’s literacy rate over the years. Therefore, this global literacy day, 2024, is the best day to accept your services.  

Impact of Educational Success on the National Literacy of Pakistan 

You may ask, what’s the impact of this annual intermediate 2024 result on the national literacy of Pakistan? It may not affect directly, but collectively, in a comprehensive manner, a positive impact is drawn for sure.  

The goal of producing high achievers with top positions backed by a rich knowledge bag is seen to be met. The board examination is a standardised examination where high performance depends upon the factors of in-depth understanding of the subject, understanding of concepts, and a grip on the subject and its content, which ultimately turns a layman into a skilled person. 

It eventually increases the rate of literacy and learned and skilled graduates who will enter professional education in the coming years. As a result of completing professional education, these intermediate students will become a part of the professional force.  In the coming decades, the students today will be the ‘economy runners of tomorrow’!  


Without basic literacy and proper education, individuals have fewer chances of success. Eventually, the country’s productivity goes down. Hence, it is important to take a serious pledge on this Global Literacy Day 2024 to increase the rate of literacy in Pakistan both in quantity and quality. 




September 6: National Defence Day of Pakistan

6 september 2024: PGC celebrates national defence day


September 6th, 2024, hears the echoes of the Indo-Pak War of 1965, which shaped Pakistan as a united nation. Every year, September 6th is celebrated as Pakistan’s national Defence Day. This day is observed with national enthusiasm and pride. This article will look back at the bravery and national unity that the 1965 war aroused!  

The Background of September 06, 1965 

The National Defence Day is rooted in the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, a conflict deep-rooted in the fundamental dispute over the Kashmir region. The war began when India crossed the international border and invaded the heart of Pakistan- Lahore, and consequently, Pakistan responded with a powerful defensive action.  

Despite facing overwhelming odds- in terms of power and resources, the Pakistani forces showed remarkable resilience and unwavering courage. The war lasted for 17 days, from September 6 to September 23, 1965, and ended with a ceasefire by the interference of the United Nations. 

There were many noteworthy moments of the 1965 war. Such was the Defence of Lahore, also known as the Battle of Burki. As Indian forces advanced towards the city in the darkness of the night, Pakistani soldiers stopped them with a robust backlash. 

Meanwhile, the unarmed civilians voluntarily participated shoulder-by-shoulder with the armed forces to defend their homeland. The defence of Lahore became a symbol of national pride and determination, witnessing the unity and spirit of the Pakistani people as a nation. 

Observance of the National Pride & Unity 

National Defence Day of Pakistan is much more than a war memory; it is a proud and respectful celebration of the bravery of the Pakistani nation and the sacrifices made by the soldiers of the armed forces.  

Therefore, in the elegy of September 6, 1965, Pakistanis across the country paid tribute to the soldiers, officers, and civilians who played a role in defending the country—west Pakistan at that time.  

Regular and country-wide ceremonies are conducted. Flag-hoisting events and military parades are annually conducted following national emotions, and these events highlight the bravery and dedication of the armed forces. 

Schools and colleges often organise special programs and events to educate students about the significance of the day and its history. Media outlets broadcast documentaries and interviews with veteran soldiers, witness civilians, and their families, providing a platform for sharing their stories of valour and sacrifice. 

Similarly, Punjab Colleges also celebrates the national spirit of 6 September. All our campuses have a certain set of activities.  

Lessons Out of the National Defence Day of Pakistan 

National Defence Day reminds us of the importance of national unity and patriotism. The 1965 war tested Pakistan’s resilience, and the collective effort of the people during those challenging times is a testament to the nation’s strength.  

The day encourages citizens to reflect on the values of patriotism, sacrifice, and unity and to honour the legacy of those who defended their country. 

In a broader sense, National Defence Day also highlights the significance of maintaining a strong defense posture and the need for continuous preparedness. It is a call to support and appreciate the armed forces and to recognize their role in safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty. 

From 1965- 2024 

Today, National Defence Day also offers an opportunity to reflect on the evolving nature of national security in Pakistan. While the context of modern threats may differ from those of 1965, the core principles of defense and security remain crucial. The day provides a platform to discuss contemporary security challenges and the role of the armed forces in addressing them. 

Furthermore, it is time to acknowledge the contributions of various sectors in national security, including the armed forces and civilians. The collaborative effort of these sectors is essential in ensuring the safety and stability of the nation.  

Every year, it becomes a memorable time to reflect on our shortcomings and work on them to make Pakistan a great Nation in the world.  


As Pakistan marks National Defence Day on September 6th, it is a moment to honour the courage, sacrifice, and patriotism that defines the spirit of the nation. The day not only revives a memory of a significant historical event but also refreshes the values of unity and resilience among the countrymen. By actively reflecting on the past and acknowledging the present, Pakistanis should continue to uphold the legacy of those who have fought for their country and remain committed to securing its future. 


Let us celebrate National Defence Day with pride and humble gratitude, recognising the unwavering dedication of Pakistan’s armed forces and the enduring strength of our nation as a whole. 



What is Better? ICS or ICOM?



Students who have not opted for FSC have a choice of an intermediate in computer science or an intermediate in commerce. Therefore, students often ask which is better, ICS or ICOM. 

Let’s discuss this in detail.  

Intermediate admissions are open across the country. Similarly, online intermediate admissions are also opened at Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) for 2024. However, these admissions would be available till the seats last only.   

Apply for FSc Pre Engineering



ICS is an abbreviation for Intermediate in Computer Science (ICS). Under this degree, students can study the majors of computer and science according to the curriculum outlined by the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Punjab.  

The curriculum deviates as per the provisional outlines in all the intermediate subjects. 


On the other hand, Intermediate in Commerce is abbreviated as ICOM.  This degree is also an exciting choice after FSC and ICS. Those students who are more inclined towards financial and business matters.  

Therefore, if you are looking for some business learning, ICOM can be your foundational course for professional degrees in accounting, finance, risk management, marketing, and human resources.  

Hence, you can choose ICOM if you want to learn how a business performs, how to run it, what aspects need to be managed, and how to balance income and expenses to increase the profit margin.  

However, it is solely dependent upon what your preferences are. In the following, we shall look at the following things.  

Things to Consider 

In order to see whether you should choose ICS or ICOM, ask yourself these questions. 


Interest and Passion 

You have to ask yourself, which area excites you the most?  Is it technology, programming, and the latest gadgets? Or is it business news, finance, and management? 

Answering this question is essential to know what areas are easier for you to spend and invest a large part of your time, energy, and efforts in education and career development.  

Career Goals 

The next important question you have to answer is, ‘What are your career anticipations?’ For example, which line invites you to excel in your future? If you have an interest in developing software, do you want to become a data scientist or make your career as a game developer? 

If so, you should opt for ICS. On the other hand, if you want to run your own business or become a renowned and certified accountant, intermediate in commerce (ICOM) is your ideal choice.   

Skills & Strengths  

Last but not least, one should analyze one’s skills and strengths before making a choice for ICS or ICOM. For example, if one is more inclined towards technology, analytics, and software, then opting for ICS is the better choice.  

On the other hand, if you excel at strategies, planning, and financial decisions, then opting for business and finance is an optimal choice for you.   

Apply at PGC for ICS or ICOM 

You can apply at your nearest Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) campus for any intermediate degree. You may choose ICS, ICOM, or even FA or FSC.  

PGC has all the disciplines for students who want to learn things in the most effective manner. Moreover, the students in PGC will get to experience learning through digital books by ARVO. you can get more details about on PGC blog. 

Online Intermediate applications are being accepted through our intermediate admission portal.  


We live in an ever-changing world. In recent years, there has been an interesting debate about whether to choose ICS or ICOM. Therefore, look at your interests and career preferences. However, no matter which field you choose, you will be able to study at Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) in your nearest campus.  

FSc Pre Engineering in 2024: Reasons to Choose PGC

FSc Pre Engineering

FSc Pre Engineering is the top choice for science students in intermediate. The priority pattern is the same in 2024 for numerous reasons. However, the line choice is not the only important factor for success. One should choose an institution for college education very carefully. This article will explore the top 5 reasons to pursue FSc pre-engineering at PGC in Punjab.  

FSc Pre-Engineering –An Overview 

FSc pre-engineering is a principal field of applied science, majoring in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Pursuing an intermediate in science with engineering is also known as FSc pre-engineering.  

To secure a seat in FSc pre-engineering, you must pass the annual matric examination with brilliant marks. Our blog and website provide more prerequisites 

The duration of FSc Pre Engineering is two years. Furthermore, the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) conducts the annual examination in the province of Punjab and across the country.   

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Essentials for Quality Pre-Engineering Education  

Pre-engineering in the intermediate 2024 is still a great choice. By studying the basics of all the foundation courses of applied sciences, students would open their gateway to highly rewarding careers across various and diverse professional fields.  

However, to learn the concepts and absorb the knowledge most effectively, students should keep these essentials for quality pre-engineering education in intermediate admissions 2024.  

Quality pre-engineering education is crucial for laying a strong foundation for students who aspire to pursue careers in engineering. Here are some essential components that contribute to a robust pre-engineering education.

what is a quality pre-engineering education

  1. Strong Curriculum 

A strong and robust curriculum is essential to learn the founding subjects of applied sciences.  


Proper and In-depth emphasis on algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics. 


In-depth study of physics and chemistry with a focus on principles relevant to engineering. 

Technology and Computer Science 

Basic programming and familiarity with software tools used in engineering. 

Engineering Fundamentals 

 Introduction to core engineering concepts and problem-solving techniques. 

2.  Hands-On Learning 

In addition to proper knowledge building, proper hands-on and practical exposure is also needed to learn the concepts of FSc Pre Engineering better and more effectively.  

Laboratory Experiments 

Practical experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology to reinforce theoretical knowledge. 

 Workshops and Competitions 

Participation in science fairs, robotics competitions, and engineering challenges. 

  1. Qualified Educators

With knowledge and opportunities for practical learning, one factor impacts the effectiveness of all the available resources. That factor is Teachers and mentors. Only learned and experienced teachers can help students understand the most complex characters in the simplest way.  

Experienced Teachers 

Instructors with a background in engineering or relevant fields who can provide expert guidance and mentorship to help students understand the critical elements easily and comprehend them.  

Professional Development 

Continuous training for educators is also essential to maintaining their effectiveness. In addition to experienced teachers, teachers need to upgrade their skills over time to stay updated with the latest advancements in engineering education and teaching methodologies.  

  1. Modern Facilities and Resources

Proper infrastructure is an essential element of studying FSc pre-engineering 2024 due to the availability of advanced technology, knowledge, and skills 

Well-Equipped Labs 

Access to modern laboratory equipment and tools for conducting experiments and projects. 

Technological Resources 

Availability of computers, software, and internet access for research and simulations. 

Library and Study Materials 

A comprehensive collection of books, journals, and online resources on engineering topics. 

With all the robust educational support, the FSc pre-engineering students also need a push and psychological support to ensure a smooth shift from school to college education. It also helps them to set and match their pace with the rapidness of college education.   

  1. Inclusive and Supportive Environment


A supporting college environment is essential for motivating all students, regardless of background, to pursue engineering. 

Support Systems 

Providing additional help and resources for students who may struggle with challenging subjects. 

Diversity and Inclusion 

Promoting a diverse and inclusive environment that welcomes students from all demographics. 

Evaluation and Feedback 

Evaluation and continued feedback are essential for a great two-year learning experience in disciplines like FSc Pre Engineering.  

Regular Assessments 

Conducting frequent assessments to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. 

Feedback Mechanisms 

Offering constructive feedback to help students improve their understanding and performance. 

Continuous Improvement 

Continuously evaluate and update the curriculum and teaching methods to ensure the highest quality education. 

Why Punjab Colleges are the Best for FSc Pre-Engineering in 2024? 

Now, let’s see why Punjab Colleges are the Best for FSc pre-engineering in 2024. Punjab Colleges (PGC) offers the following essentials for FSc pre-engineering students. You can easily decide what makes us the best colleges in Punjab (Pakistan). 

PGC follows the robust FSc pre-engineering curriculum, which is based on the curriculum advanced by the BISE across the province of Punjab.  

PGC campuses are well structured and equipped with the latest labs and technology. We also have book-stocked libraries and resource materials that help students learn more effectively.  

Furthermore, PGC ensures that it provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students. Therefore, we have societies, clubs, and events, and we provide continuous evaluation and feedback. 

Apply for FSc Pre-Engineering at PGC in 2024 

As the intermediate admissions for 2024 are opened after matric 2024 result declaration, it is high time to apply for FSc Pre Engineering at PGC in 2024 with complete confidence in your abilities and the support you will get to ace your inter majors.  

Our online admission portal is open for admissions. Apply now!  

Concluding Remarks! 

FSc Pre Engineering is the top choice for intermediate students. Apply at PGC to ace your major foundations with proper learning and growth opportunities.   

Punjab Colleges 1st Year Admissions-Last Date to Apply

Punjab Colleges 1st Year Admissions-Last Date to Apply

PGC ensures you receive a premium education, as the intermediate years are crucial in your academic journey. Our intermediate admissions started right after the matric result was announced. However, Punjab Colleges’ 1st year admissions last date is near. So, if you still have not enrolled yourself, now is your chance.

Why the Punjab Group of Colleges for Intermediate Education?

Punjab Colleges has a history of securing over 170 positions across all educational boards in 2023. Not only this, we have a network of alumni who are doing great in their chosen fields. Some are working in high posts in Pakistan, while others have gone abroad and are living their dreams.

So, if you want to know why you should choose PGC for your HSSC, we have multiple reasons. Keep reading to find out.

Facilities for PGC Students

You will always receive first-rate educational resources from Punjab Colleges. We will assist you in pursuing a career as a doctor, engineer, or entrepreneur. As a Punjab group student, you will have access to the following important facilities:

Digital Books

Intermediate students at Punjab Colleges would study inter-curriculum, unlike other students. In 2024, PGC proudly brings ARVO digital books to the students of 11th and 12th classes.

Highly Experienced Faculty

PGC takes pride in having highly skilled instructors who hold degrees from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Our instructors will guide you as you study and prepare for the intermediate examinations and your professional life.

The faculty also ensures that your preparation is up to par by taking tests and conducting internal assessments following BISE guidelines. Consequently, you will be able to test your preparations successfully and get good scores in board annual exams.

Purpose-Built Campuses

PGC is the best institute for studying for an FSc in Lahore. We have more than 450 campuses spread over 130 cities in Pakistan and have every educational facility at your disposal. You will study in well-equipped classrooms, and we also have air-conditioned libraries to provide you with all the learning materials and a comfortable environment.

There are clean cafeterias where you can have lunch and hang out with your college friends during your break. In addition, we have security guards stationed at each campus gate to ensure your protection. Enrol yourself at the nearest campus before Punjab Colleges’ 1st year admissions last date. 

Fully Equipped Laboratories

Our campuses are equipped with advanced laboratories, where you will have access to the latest equipment. Our labs have everything from cutting-edge computers to fully equipped science apparatus. Our experts will also accompany you to the laboratories to instruct you on using the instruments.

Microsoft Certifications

Our collaboration with Microsoft enables us to provide free Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications. You can learn to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel without investing a penny. However, you need to be a part of the PGC community to do this. The Punjab Colleges Intermediate Admissions Last Date is near. So hurry up before it is too late.

The PGC App and Online Portal

Punjab Colleges has created a learning app called PGC app for its students. You may now study and learn from the convenience of your own home. You will have access to video lectures, MCQs, and past papers that have been solved.

As a result, you can study for your tests during your most productive hours. You can also use the app to ask professors questions and receive a quick response. Only PGC students have access to our e-learning app. In addition to the app, you can obtain all of the study materials you need for exam preparation on the PGC online portal.

Campus Life

To provide a balanced campus life, we provide a wide variety of cultural, educational, and social programs. We host funfairs and festivals where you can exhibit your artistic abilities every year. Additionally, we organize enjoyable and educational tours under the supervision of our experienced staff.

We arrange welcome and farewell parties to celebrate your presence at our institute. Along with attending seminars and workshops, you will learn from skilled and inspirational speakers about their real-life experiences. However, you cannot benefit from any of this if you miss Punjab Colleges Intermediate Admissions Last Date. 

Furthermore, you can also discover your hidden talents by joining numerous societies and clubs. Some of them are as follows:

  • Debating Society
  • Music Society
  • Dramatics Club
  • IT Club
  • Health Awareness Club
  • Islamic Society

Sports Activities

Sports, as we all know, are essential to extracurricular activities. As a result, PGC provides a variety of activities in which you can participate. Furthermore, several sportsmen and artists, including Wahab Riaz, Hassan Ali, Abrar-ul-Haq, Atif Aslam, and others, are also among our alumni.

Sports activities include the following:

  • Cricket
  • Volleyball
  • Kabaddi
  • Boxing
  • Swimming
  • Football

Thus, go to your nearest campus before Punjab Colleges’ 1st year admissions last date arrives and become a part of our growing community right now.

Scholarships and Incentives

The Punjab Group of Colleges believes in rewarding students for their hard work and excellence. That is why we provide scholarships to students. Additionally, we provide the option of fee concessions if you are unable to pay for your education.

Here are some of the incentives we provide:

  • Merit-Based Scholarships
  • Shuhda’s Children
  • Students with Special Needs
  • Need-Based Concessions
  • Orphan Students
  • Kinship
  • Special Circumstances Financial Aid
  • Incentive Policies for Matric Students

Punjab Colleges 1st Year Admissions Last Date Coming Soon!

If you want a high-quality education with a vibrant campus life for your intermediate years, then PGC is everything you wish for. However, the admissions are closing soon. Every campus has a different last date for Intermediate admissions. So, you have to visit the campus in your area and find out about the last date to apply before it’s too late.

For more information, contact us at info@pgc.edu.

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