How Early College Classes Can Shape Your Future?

Early College Classes in Pakistan
When it comes to early college classes, you can see diverse opinions and statements across the web. This is because the concept and details of early college classes in the West are different. However, in Pakistan, these are commonly known as pre-first-year classes. How early college classes are beneficial for students? Go through this article to know more.

Top 4 Benefits of Early College Classes in Pakistan 

Students may feel in chaos when deciding whether to go for early college classes at PGC. There could be any reason for this indecisiveness. However, you will find the top 4 advantages you will get if you join pre-first-year classes 2024 at PGC.  

Early College Experience 

The early college classes, also known as the pre 1st year classes are open for post-matric students. The post-matric students are those who appeared in the board matric exams this year and are free nowadays.  

Since, the next step in their educational journey is college admission. Hence, they are waiting for the result declaration of matric. This will officially open the intermediate classes 2024.  

Therefore, until the result is awaited, it is an ideal time to enrol in free pre-first classes 2024 at PGC. These classes will give actual college experience before the regular admissions and sessions occur.  

Utilisation of Time Resources 

After the board exams are over, students are free with peace of time and ample time to plan their future. Hence, the best option is to do something productive at this time. Which not only enhances the skill base, or knowledge base and can be effectively advantageous for the next phase in education-college life. Early college classes are the most effective time management and utilisation for this.  

Therefore, the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) has initiated pre-first-year classes to enhance students’ skill sets through knowledge and skills. 

Extension of Time Span for a Course

We all are aware of the availability of time for intermediate part 1 & part 2 till the final exams. Many students feel overwhelmed with the contraction of time for the sound coverage of course curriculum content for each subject. The number of subjects is divided into two intermediate years. 

Therefore, students can avail themselves an early access to the course content of their chosen discipline far before the start of intermediate regular sessions with early college classes. 

By the way, do you know; what disciplines are available for intermediate study?  

  • FSC (premedical) 
  • FSC (pre-engineering) 
  • Intermediate in Computer Science (ICS) 
  • Intermediate in Commerce (I. Com) 
  • Faculty of Arts (FA)  

Are the courses offered under the BISE Punjab throughout the country? You can also check out the courses available in your province through the BISE, relevant to your city or locality.  

Opportunity to Choose the Right Career  

Last but not least, this is the most powerful opportunity, you as a student can get at the pre-first year classes 2024.  

Often, students choose one field for any reason. But, when course content starts, students feel problems in concentration or interest in the same. Then they want to switch fields, but can’t do it because of lack of time, or resources.  

With PGC’s pre 1st year classes 2024, students will start ahead of regular sessions, so playing with subjects and fields is a safe area. Hence, if you plan to switch the fields once you get familiar with the course content, you can do it with regular intermediate sessions.  

Therefore, you will go safe and learn in your regular inter sessions 2024. Whether you choose to continue the chosen field or choose to switch, the choice is all yours.   

Why Punjab Colleges Are the Best Option for Pre- First Year 2024? 

Now, if you are curious about why to go for PGC? You can get your answer in the following.  

  • PGC is the largest private network of colleges in the country. 
  • Every year, our students bag the top positions in all intermediate fields across the inter boards.   
  • We offer Massive Scholarship Options. (like free pre- first year 2024) 
  • PGC has a network of knowledgeable and experienced faculty throughout the campuses.  

Online Pre 1st Year Applications 2024  

Do you want to apply for free pre 1st year classes 2024 at PGC? Apply through our online portal to get a head start and lead the future.  


Early College Classes can effectively shape your future for many reasons. Therefore, the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) brings pre-first year 2024 for the students who are free of their matric exams. Online applications are accepted, apply today and take the right step for your future.  

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