
For a young mind with so many distractions around there can be times when it becomes hard to deal with the challenges in education. It is sometimes a challenge to keep concentrating on the studies. It can be challenging to resist peer pressure. It can bring the challenge of coping.... Read more

Every year starts with new resolutions and opportunities, may it be personal, professional or student life. In all parts of world there is great enthusiasm for the prospects and trends that await the eager students. The advancements in technology is changing the way students study. It is facilitating the teachers.... Read more

What is education and why is it important? The mere thought about education excites me, because according to my personal approach education is not only books and grades but something way beyond that. Education is an experience through which you learn something new, something that you had never known, it.... Read more

Communication plays an integral role in the life of every student and it is important to master this skill. Advancing in the conventional world asks for good communication. Having a firm grip on the style of speaking clears many paths that lead to a successful career and avoids obstacles that.... Read more

Here comes the big day, the day of your Intermediate result 2021. You must be overwhelmed with the coming board result and because of the surge of emotions your heart must be beating at its fastest, after all it is time to see the result of all your effort that.... Read more

In your early childhood, at some point of time or many times you may have thought why do you have to study? Why are there schools? Who invented books? Couldn’t I just live without having to read all the books in my bag? Well, every child goes through this phase.... Read more

It is the need of hour to understand the importance of primary education. Somehow, this is one aspect that has been neglected not only in our region but many other countries in the world. The world on the whole is now working towards the primary education of children. It is.... Read more

As the result day approaches the heartbeats of the students start racing. This day is a blend of mixed emotions of joy for some and glum for others. Those who pass with flying colors are excited with their achievement. There are few students that are sad and gloomy at the.... Read more

Have you ever experienced the larking fear of college readiness? I do. The first day at any place is going to be the scariest thing you can ever feel. The thought of being freshmen at the college itself prompts fear and fill your heart with some new adventures and experiences..... Read more

Earning a college degree is one of the most important tasks for any individual who wants to get a peaceful and prosperous life. Knowledge teaches us to cope with a number of obstacles and these may be interlinked with personal behaviour or any field of life. Personality traits, employment hardships,.... Read more

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