9th-Class Math Notes – Complete Guide for 2023 Board Exams

Math notes for class 9

9th class exams are just around the corner and students are left with very little time to prepare for the board exams. Among all subjects, students find it extremely difficult to deal with difficult math concepts. But if you have access to quality 9th-class math notes, you will have the luxury of focusing your energy on clearing difficult concepts. Prep By PGC offers you this luxury with free and unlimited access to 9th-class video lectures, short questions, long questions, multiple choice questions (MCQs), and past papers. The app is free to use. 

  • Android users can download the app by clicking here
  • iOS users can download the app by clicking here.

9th Class Math Notes – Free Video Lectures

Prep By PGC offers you unlimited and unrestricted access to video lectures on 9th-class mathematics. The app caters to the syllabus of all boards. It means you can have access to quality 9th-class math notes. 

These video lectures have been prepared by top educationists and by getting the most out of them, you can ace your mathematics board exams. It is pertinent here to mention that students of the Punjab Group of Colleges have a strong tradition of securing top positions in board exams. In 2022 alone, our students managed to secure 176 top positions across all boards, including an overall 1st position in Lahore Board. 

Prep By PGC is the project of the same team. The app has been developed with the aim of providing free access to quality education to all matric students across Pakistan. Thus, you only need a mobile device and an internet connection to access quality and updated 9th-class math notes for free. 

The complete list of 9th-class math notes is as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Matrices and Determinants  
  • Chapter 2: Real and Complex Numbers  
  • Chapter 3: Logarithms  
  • Chapter 4: Algebra Expressions and Algebra Formulas  
  • Chapter 5: Factorisation  
  • Chapter 6: Algebraic Manipulation  
  • Chapter 7: Linear Equations and Inequalities  
  • Chapter 8: Linear Graphs and their Applications  
  • Chapter 9: Introduction to Coordinate Geometry  
  • Chapter 10: Congruent Triangle  
  • Chapter 11: Parallelograms and Triangles  
  • Chapter 12: Line Bisectors and Angle Bisectors  
  • Chapter 13: Sies and Angle of a Triangle  
  • Chapter 14: Ratio and Proportion  
  • Chapter 15: Pythagoras’ Theorem  
  • Chapter 16: Theorem Related to Areas  
  • Chapter 17: Practical Geometry- Triangles 


9th-Class Math Notes – Long Questions

The paper of the 9th class is designed in such a way that you will have to solve 3 long questions. It means you need to work on your concepts and develop a strong understanding of complex mathematical topics. 

Now left with very little time, you can either make 9th-class math notes by yourself or can access those made by the country’s top education experts. Obviously, you will pick the second option as it will leave you with ample time to prepare for the board exams in 2023. 

Also, these long questions have been prepared by the country’s most successful education experts. 

9th-Class Math Notes – Short Questions 

Again, the existing syllabus demands students to solve 12 short questions. Prep By PGC caters to this need also as it offers you access to 9th-class math notes for short question purposes. The app contains hundreds of short questions on all topics and chapters of 9th-class math. 

9th-Class Math Notes – Video Lectures

You can only clear your concepts if you have unlimited and unrestricted access to video lectures. Prep By PGC contains video lectures on every topic of 9th-class math. It means that you can rewatch lectures as many times as you want to clear your concept. 

Also, access to video lectures provides you the luxury to study from the comfort of your home. It also provides you the luxury to study when you feel your learning abilities are at their peak. Both of these luxuries are not available in on-site settings. By watching these lectures, you can make your own 9th-class math notes. 

9th-class math notes – Past Papers

Another great feature of Prep By PGC is that it provides you access to 9th class past papers for previous past 5 years. Also, Prep By PGC offers past papers of all education boards. 

By going through these past papers, you can understand the pattern of the exams. Also, you can identify the most important topics and revise/prepare them as much as you can. 

You can also solve these past papers to strategically divide your time. You can identify how much time you need to spend on each section and how much time you need to save to revise your paper at least twice. 

Thus, Prep By PGC is your most important source to access the best 9th-class math notes for free. 

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