Mass Communication Scope

Mass Communication Scope

Introduction to Mass Communication 

Mass communication has been around for a while. Before the advent of mass media, communication was primarily verbal and nonverbal. However, the mass media has undergone a significant transformation as time has passed. From being a venue for public communication, it is now a global stage for social contact. With it, people are free to express themselves. 

New technologies and social media platforms have changed how we view the world. The media sector has significantly benefited from technological advancements and developments in terms of job options. Books, newspapers, radio, social media platforms, magazines, and streaming services are just a few mass media outlets. There are four different categories of mass media in any case. 


Types of Mass Communication 

Experts in mass communication create, deliver, and analyse impactful communications for various audiences using their understanding of dramatic concepts and proper media tactics. Corporate media managers, public affairs specialists, media professionals, broadcasters, advertisers and marketers, content writers and illustrators, graphic designers, and public health educators use mass communication strategies daily across practically every industry to develop and implement strategic communication plans for everything from television news to online marketing campaigns and public health notifications. 

 In the following there is a list of some of the mass media platforms for communicating with a broader audience: 

  • Outdoor Media, 
  •  Digital Media, 
  •  Print Media, And  
  • Media Broadcasting 

Print media includes all the mediums of media that retain the printing elements. Some examples of print media are newspapers, flyers, coupons, visiting cards, and billboards. Academic sources like Journals, Books, magazines, and Directories also fall in the print media category.  

Digital Media, on the contrary, includes all forms of advertisement through digital forums. All brands today use social media, websites, e-commerce platforms, and similar stations to reach their target audience. Instagram’s famous social media platform is a prime example of digital media.  

Outdoor Media includes all the advertisements and marketing efforts on billboards and unusual places. The advertisers employ the most sites with expanded exposure and broad client reach in contemporary areas and modern tools.  

Media Broadcasting is the ideal use of an electronic broadcasting medium. Audio and video content is delivered to a spread-out audience. People of diverse ages, origins, viewpoints, ambitions, and hobbies find enjoyment in television, radio, video, and video games. 


Scope of Mass Communication in Pakistan 

In recent times, mass communication has seen a dramatic increase in its acceptability and market. It is the result of exposure to new entertainment mediums in the country. In the past couple of decades, Pakistan has witnessed a massive increase in the number of news channels and entertainment channels. The internet and social media module, video streaming websites, and podcast phenomenon have multiplied the benefits and access of mass communication on all levels. 

Copying with the same trend, education institutions have duly revised their curriculum to produce experts, problem analysers, and creative professionals in mass communication’s multi-faceted career. 


Study Plans of Mass Communication in Pakistan  

Universities are offering professional degrees in Media and Mass Communication disciplines in Pakistan. The course outline has the BS, MS, and MPhil degrees in the program range. The subjects included are related to the following fields.  

Introduction to Mass Communication, News Reporting & Writing, Broad Casting Journalism, International Relations, Feature, Column & Editorial Writing Skills, Advertisement, sociology, digital media, storytelling, TV production, Media Laws & Ethics are compulsory courses with the specialisation option availability in Professional Journalism, Theatre, Film, & Television, Advertisement & Public Relations, Digital Media & Entrepreneurship and PR are focused. 


Career Option & Expansions in Mass Communication 

After earning a professional degree in Mass Communication in Pakistan, one does not need to worry about the scope and opportunities of the same. After studying such a rich and vibrant course in Pakistan, the students can start their careers in various professional digital media positions. In addition, the field of mass communication is not limited to job cases. The students can initiate their own media channels, blogs, or papers on internet platforms. The websites, social media platforms, and video-streaming websites are the primary source of public traffic and initiation of such ideas.  

However, the following careers are open for graduates of mass communication.  

  • Copywriter 
  • Film Producer 
  • Photographer 
  • Radio Jockey 
  • Media Planner 
  • Graphic Designer 
  • Public Relations Account Executive 
  • Filmmaker 
  • Information Specialist 
  • Director Of Communications 
  • Digital Marketer 
  • Screenwriter 
  • Reporter 
  • Sound Engineer 
  • TV Correspondent 
  • Art Director 

Salary Scope after Mass Communication Graduates 

Salary depends on various factors, including the candidate’s credentials, experience, organisation, market price, national economic situations and whatnot. However, according to some reliable resources, the graduate after a BS in Journalism and Mass Communication can earn up to Rs 490k per year. Therefore, in recent times, mass communication is just like a hot cake in the oven to have more demand than ever.  



Perusing a professional degree in Mass Communication holds a massive scope of success and financial independence. The opportunities are widely available on job and independent venture placements. The field is not only rewarding but quite exciting and holds tremendous skills that help a person to lead a prosperous life ahead.  

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