Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are the most extensively used and applicable type of objective exam section. They are used to assess the most significant educational outcomes, such as knowledge, comprehension, judgment, and problem-solving skills. In all boards of intermediate and secondary education (BISE), MCQs take up a major part of the exam. Half of the marks are allotted to this objective part, hence making it the most critical to pass it. Students of 9th and 10th classes must try all efforts to excel in this section of their matric exams.
Now you can easily access 5000+ MCQs, free of charge through Prep by PGC app that gives access to solved MCQs of all subjects from the last five years. Let’s discuss what benefits you can gain from solving MCQs in Prep by PGC app.
Easy to Prepare
MCQs are considerably difficult to solve and excel since they are the trickiest with the most high risk. In the board exams, acing MCQs or objective section is integral since it contains half the weightage of marks. However, it may seem difficult to prepare it at first, access to solved MCQs through Prep by PGC app makes it all easy for students. Solved MCQs through Prep by PGC app saves you a lot of hassle of going through different kinds of hard copy notes. It also saves a lot of time with effective preparation from the comfort of your home.
Best Way to Score Maximum marks
The objective part of board exams is mostly covered with MCQs. This means that MCQs have equal weightage to long and short questions. Therefore, it is important to score the highest in the MCQs section to achieve maximum marks in the exams. Solved Free MCQs from Prep by PGC app allow you to score high marks in their exams. Solved MCQs are easy to prepare, hence it is the best way to score maximum marks in board exams.
Efficient preparation in the shortest time
Studying solved MCQs through Prep by PGC app can save a lot of time. Students have to go through thousands of unsolved MCQs of different subjects. This is why Prep by PGC app has compiled 5000+ latest solved MCQs of all subjects for effective preparation in the shortest time.
Free Access without any cost
It is inconvenient for students and their parents to afford a hefty amount on different kinds of notes. In today’s modern era, studying from notes can be a hassle for students. Prep by PGC app gives free access to you for 5000+ solved MCQs. This app not only saves money but also saves from the stress of handling different kinds of hard copy notes.
Convenient to Revise
When the time is short on hand, it is wise to use all one app for your fast revision. Prep by PGC gives easy access from mobile and laptops, anywhere and anytime. You can now use solved MCQs from Prep by PGC app to revise all of the courses and all possible MCQs to come in the shortest time.
Where to Find Latest Matric MCQs?
For those of you who are in matric and want to achieve maximum marks in your exams, download the Prep by PGC app and register now. Get FREE access to the latest matric MCQs of the last five years to make your matric preparation easy.