Expand your Horizons with Intermediate in Computer Science (ICS) from PGC

Take admissions intermediate ICS 2023 PGC

Intermediate is a foundation step for professional education. Starting after the completion of matric years, or school life, inter has its own charm and futuristic approach. However, students often get puzzled about the education choices which they could or should opt for in their 11
th and 12th classes. This article will cover the opportunity to enter the field of technology, also known as an Intermediate in computer science. Also known as ICS. Know what ICS is all about and what the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) have to offer.  

Learn the Basics of Computer Sciences

Inter in computer science is all about the basic concepts of information technology. The students can enhance their knowledge and ability about information technology with this discipline. Class 11th and 12th are two separate years to study a variety of subjects and essential topics.  

The course curriculum for ICS at PGC is completely prepared after careful drafting of the official guideline as per the BISE of Punjab. Furthermore, the course is also updated in case of any changes on the official grounds.  

Expert Faculty is Ready to Teach You

Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) take pride in its highly qualified and trained faculty. Not only in expertise, but our teachers are also skilful enough to transfer the knowledge in the most effective way. Moreover, our faculty members are empathetic towards the students’ queries, as their queries and questions are always welcomed at PGC.  

Available Essentials for ICS at PGC

ICS is a practical course. You can understand its nature and degree requirement by knowing the fact that it is focusing on computer science. Therefore, computer programming, basic commands and such things lead to the practical that is possible under professional guidance from mentors.  

For the same reason, the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) campuses are well-equipped with the latest IT Labs. This ensures that students take ample learning and practical knowledge to get a hands-on approach with respect to the expertise to proceed with computer science in the later years of professional education and career growth.  

Intermediate admissions 2023 PGC offers benefits

Study Hard, Play Harder

While putting our primary focus on education in various ways, we enable our students to excel in their chosen disciplines in intermediate to get the best-shaped future ahead of them.  At the same time, we try to give a growing environment to the young kids. Which ultimately empowers them to work on their talents, skills, and natural humanitarian causes.  

To stay vigilantly productive, PGC has a variety of societies and clubs with proper and monitored operations. In addition, certain events are also a part of our academic calendar. The list of clubs and societies at PGC is as follows.  

  • Blood Donor Society 
  • Debating Society 
  • Dramatic Club 
  • Music Society 
  • Literary Circle 
  • Tourism Club 
  • IT Club 
  • Sports Club 
  • Photography Club 
  • Welfare Society 

You can also read out more about these activities here.   

Best Performers Get the Best Assistance at PGC

After we have discussed the routine matters, let’s move forward to the token of love and appreciation, which PGC holds ready for all our students. This is the information you are looking for if you are already looking for scholarships and fee concessions.  

Punjab Colleges (PGC) is a strong supporter of rewards and encouragement. Therefore, a wide variety of meri-based, need-based options are available.  

Intermediate Admissions 2023, Apply Online

It is high time to get on a path to enrol in ICS from PGC. Online applications are welcomed for intermediate admissions 2023. An online link is available. Apply Today 

PGC- A Legacy of Success 

As a reminder, we are going to give a short recap of the achievements PGC students made in 2022. Our students bagged 176 top positions in board examinations in 2022. Moreover, PGC graduates land in Pakistan’s top engineering, medical, IT and commerce institutions every year.  

Wait No Further

Last but not the least. Apply for an Intermediate in computer science (ICS) at Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) and expand your horizons of success. The quality of education and supportive environment does wonders and helps you to move up the miles to reach where you belong!  



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