Enrol In Pre-First Year and start ICS Today!

Pre First Year PGC ICS

Intermediate in computer science is one of the most popular specializations and intermediate when it comes two professional educations. The students who have appeared in the matric exams and nowadays are enjoying a free vacation without any purpose and waiting for results to get admission further can get themselves enrolled in free reference to your classes for their better future investment.  

Introduction To Pre-First-Year Classes  

Pre-first-year classes are an outstanding initiative the Punjab Group of Colleges PGC took. The pre-first-day classes are a golden opportunity for matric students who are waiting for their results and willing to pursue their professional careers in technology and computer sciences. The pre-first year classes develop learning and knowledge building among students before the regular admissions take place; in this way, a lot of crucial time of students gets saved and optimized. These well-managed time resources enable students to learn better, gather more knowledge, and perform better in their board examinations for greater results.  

Brief Intro About Intermediate in Computer Science  

Intermediate in computer science ICS is ideal for students interested in IT, technology, and the latest information technology trends in the world. Mostly the students who have opted for computer sciences and their matriculation also opt for intermediate and computer science ICS to pursue their dream careers.  

ICS becomes a doorway to their BS in any field of computer sciences, be it hardware engineering, software engineering, or any other related area of interest.   

At Punjab Group of Colleges, ICS is offered with three combinations for the ease of our students. These combinations are allocated per the study guidelines by the official intermediate and secondary education board. Therefore, students can choose the specialization in forms of combination as per their subject interests and priorities.  

Advantages Of Pre-First Year At PGC  

Students can get a number of benefits from the free pre-first-year classes for ICS at the Punjab Group of Colleges. Some of them are listed below.  

  • Students can get early and complete exposure to the ICS syllabus.  
  • In addition to the exposure, students will also get an opportunity to learn from the best subject specialists at PGC.  
  • PGC also offers e-learning facilitation to its students. For this purpose, classrooms are well equipped with teaching assistance hardware. In addition, other resources in terms of apps and other digital content are available for PGC students.  
  • Professional guidance and exposure to the entire curriculum and proper guidance from an early stage regarding the board examination develop absolute confidence among students.  
  • With this confidence, students not only perform exceptionally in the board examination but also learn to explore the unveiled opportunities around them.  
  • With this self-exploration quality, the students who studied at PGC often stay successful in their professional life because they are the ones who imagine early, start quickly, and eventually take the lead.  
  • The pre-first-year classes also bring a monetary advantage to enrolled students. This is because the pre-first-year classes are offered for free to those who want to avail themselves of their time efficiently.  

Apply Today  

Now, if you want to send your application for the free pre-first year of 2023 at the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC), you can click on this link and apply online.  


ICS could be your gateway towards a successful career in the field of information and technology. Refrain from wasting your precious time waiting for regular admissions to start after the board examination results. In this fast era, the best time to start is today! Get enrolled in the pre-first year 2023 with PGC for a proud future tomorrow. 


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