What is the Purpose of the Community Safety Education Act?


What is the Purpose of the Community Safety Education Act?

To promote discipline and ensure lawful activities, it is necessary to implement rules and regulations under the lawful acts. The purpose of defining this act is to make people alert people about traffic, public, and other rules.
They will not only be able to maintain a harmonious attitude, but also they will strictly follow what has been implemented as disciplinary rule.
This act will develop a sense of punishment on breaking of rules. From the very beginning, it has been observed that things that were applied as a rule, brought betterment in the country.

Following are the points explaining the purpose of the community safety education act.

  • It strengthens respect for the law and punishes non-compliance through a system of administration of justice. That is accessible to the entire population. It is efficient in the judicial office and agile in judicial processes.
  • Fortify the independence and autonomy of the judicial system. In order to ensure fairness, impartiality, transparency, predictability, and legal security. It is necessary to improve lawful performance and have the sanction to the elimination of non-compliance with the law.
  • Deepen the reform of the Judicial System and guarantee the technical and behavioral suitability of all the actors of the justice system.

What is the Purpose of the Community Safety Education Act?

What is the Purpose of the Community Safety Education Act? Develop and consolidate the progress of the traffic rules and Public activities. It includes respecting gender equity. It gives access to positions at all levels of the Justice System.
Institutionalize and strengthen mechanisms that improve the access of the entire population to the judicial administration system and alternative forms of conflict resolution, such as arbitration, conciliation, and mediation, and establish spaces for training mediators, to streamline the administration of justice and contribute with it to social peace.

Train and sensitize the personnel of all the institutions of the Justice System on human rights, with emphasis on the rights of women, children, and adolescents.

Universalize and strengthen the reform of the penitentiary system, as a means of rehabilitation, re-education, and social reintegration of people who are serving sentences.

Rights and Duties

Strengthen and improve the mechanisms for guiding the population about their rights and duties. Also, it helps in promoting knowledge of the services of the Administration of Justice. It is amongst the most common laws to promote a culture of respect for the law and effective exercise of human rights.
Articulate institutional mechanisms that facilitate citizens’ access to constitutional jurisdiction, to demand the subjection to the Constitution of all persons and bodies that exercise public powers and guarantee the effective protection of their fundamental rights, including those related to equity and rights of women and vulnerable groups, in the face of any action or omission of public or private powers.
Update the adjective legislation to adapt it to constitutional principles and advances in comparative law. Thereby promoting the development of the traffic rule system and competitiveness of the country. It ensures strict compliance with international conventions. includes those relating to the equity and rights of women. women and vulnerable groups.
Strengthen specialized justice for adolescents in conflict with Criminal Law. Promoting efficient justice, alternative measures to deprivation of liberty, and programs that guarantee re-education.


The success of any country relies on the facts that how the government implements rules through policies under acts and how people pursue lawful actions. Traffic rules and behavioral acts among people have to be systematized properly. Government plays an important role to synchronize everything. That’s what lead them to build a great society.
The real purpose of introducing the community safety education act is to educate people about the basic and critical traffic and public rules. So they will be able to perform in a better and efficient way. It is also the best contribution to society’s betterment.

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