What is Stem Education? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The reality is that its meaning goes beyond just these four words. Contrary to what you may think about science. It is play and natural youthful curiosity. And that are the basis of this innovative learning method.
Today’s society is facing new challenges and opportunities. That demand professional profiles specialized in problem solving. With the ability to innovate and exploit the possibilities. It has been offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
In this social, technological and labor context emerges the term STEM. It is an acronym from English: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
In order to give an answer to what STEM means. We share a short glossary with the most common definitions of this term.
The term STEM in education is increasingly used by parents and teachers, although it actually has its origins in the 90s. STEM education therefore encompasses a multidisciplinary learning process around the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. But then … why is it fashionable now?
STEM also refers to a series of skills related to the use and development of technologies. Although the conception of STEM skills is more linked to practical aspects. Such as programming or computational thinking. The concept also encompasses social-emotional skills such as collaboration, adaptability and resilience.
What is STEM School Program?
Any specialization of engineering or science such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics. All these falls under the concept of STEM school programs. They are also covered in computer science. However, it is not clear what subjects it encompasses. Since many of the jobs that future generations will hold do not yet exist. For example, a career in Animation and Videogames was not conceived 15 years ago. And it is now a reality anywhere in the world.
STEM fields:
“More people are needed in STEM fields”. It is one of the most used sentences in studies on the changes that technology causes in societies. By STEM fields we understand any productive activity. In it, the knowledge, use and / or development of digital and engineering technology is necessary.
New challenges and opportunities:
According to different studies and forecast trends. The demand for professions related to STEM disciplines will stand out notably. It will be more in demand from the rest of the professions. This fact is already a reality today. It invites us to design new teaching and learning methods. Those methods are aimed at enhancing the scientific-technological vocation among the youngest. Equipping them with the skills and abilities necessary to solve real problems and face the challenges of the future. The ultimate purpose of STEM is to prepare new generations to live in an ever-changing environment. It aims to train them in jobs that are to come in future.
Benefits of STEM education:
After exposing the main ideas and concepts around STEM education. Below we list in conclusion the contributions and benefits that accompany this teaching model:
- Promotes proactive learning.
- Train problem solving.
- Facilitates retention of concepts.
- Integrate ICT learning.
- Encourage teamwork.
- Strengthens communication skills.
- Stimulates self-esteem and confidence.
- Train logical mathematical thinking.
- Improves creative ability and imagination.
- Develops fine motor skills.
- Develops emotional management.
We hope you liked this article and got enough information about STEM.
STEM Methodology:
STEM are not just subjects. It is a whole teaching methodology. It emphasises on the principle of learning through experiences.
Based on the learning-by-doing method (hands on learning). The STEM methodology proposes that through activities in which technology is used. For example, through educational robotics, students can learn hard science concepts more effectively. While it can also help in developing socio-emotional skills, such as teamwork.
What is Steam?
At an educational level, it is increasingly common to add the “A” to the acronym. It stands for Arts. The premise is to add an artistic aspect to the activities carried out under the STEM methodology. It is in such a way that the confidence, creativity and expression skills of the students are enhanced.
Due to everything that STEM encompasses. The education industry in various parts of the world has begun to implement strategies around this term. In Mexico, Edacom is one of the main promoters of this methodology and the use of educational technology in classrooms.
What is STEM and its importance in education:
Today the world is faced with an unprecedented need for new scientists, engineers, and leaders in problem solving. At the current rate, there are not enough students interested in technical careers to meet this need.
Within this new social and labor paradigm. A new term has appeared: STEM. This term comes from English (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). It refers to a type of education that integrates the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.