UET ECAT Result 2021

UET ECAT Result 2021

UET ECAT Result 2021

UET ECAT tests are generally conducted during May and July. This year the test date was 12th July 2021. Right after the test has been given, the result comes out in the same month.

The test result validity duration is for one year only. Students can easily check their results online on the official UET website. The result can be checked on admission.uet.edu.pk.

Steps to follow

  • Go to the UET admission portal
  • Click on ECAT Result Notified
  • Enter Entry Test Roll No
  • Enter CNIC Number (without dashes)
  • Enter Login

The result can be checked either by giving your name or roll number in the required fields.

Topper of the ECAT 2021

The student who became the topper of the test is Syed Hashir Husnain. He successfully achieved 365 cores in the UET ECAT test 2021.

However, 2nd position holder is Mujtaba Qamar, who obtained 348 marks, and 3rd position holder, Umair Ahmad, with 345 marks.

Pakistan is full of talented and ambitious students who aim to enlighten the country with their skills and revolutionary approach. UET has given such a platform to such students who can showcase their skills and follow the right educational patterns. These opportunities motivate them to work harder and prosper around the globe. UET ECAT Result 2021 is out now. Other people can apply and appear in this exam in the next session.

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