ARVO Digital Books: Future of Learning in Pakistan

ARVO digital books

Digital Books are the future of learning in Pakistan, and ARVO Education Press is bringing innovation to education for intermediate students in Pakistan. The inculcation of digitalisation in education is the future of online education in Pakistan, and it is right here. This blog will help you explore ARVO digital books more.  

What are Digital Books? 

Digital Books are commonly known as Electronic Books or e-books. The other names of e-books are eBooks, E-Journals, and e-editions. Digital books are books published in an electronic form. Therefore, you can read them through various formats and devices.  

The concept of online books and digital education in Pakistan is quite fresh. However, we have a well-developed traditional education system. Physical books, on-site classes, and center-based exams are prominent parts of this system.  

On the contrary, digitalisation in education removes the physical limitation of being physically present at any source or place. In this modern education, students can learn from properly published digital books and avail themselves of numerous benefits with the freedom of on-the-go learning.  

What Advantages an ARVO Digital Book can Provide? 

ARVO is transforming education in Pakistan like never before. Therefore, those who get the digitally accessible books published by ARVO education press will adapt their learning in a new way. The students will get the books for intermediate classes of 11th and 12th 

These electronic books by ARVO offer the following features. Explore them, and you will get an idea of how the ARVO digital books will enhance your learning by 100 times.  

Easy Learning 

First of all, the books offer an ease in learning. Without any limitation to carry a physical book, students can continue their learning on the go. Therefore, if you are somewhere else and don’t have your course books, you can still prepare any lesson with ARVO books.  


The ARVO is not only about the digital books published in electronic format. These books are designed in a very innovative way. The course curriculum for intermediate has various subjects with complex content. For instance, concept clarification is an essential element for learning Physics 1st year or Biology 1st Year.  

Therefore, the ARVO education press has designed digital books with an option of interactive education through interactive educational games.  

Students will have an idea of any topic in the form of interactive lessons available in their book through the mechanism. See how excited this idea gets you! That’s not all. In addition to digital gamification, there is much to offer.  

Opportunity of Self-Testing 

Learning is incomplete without testing. For the same reason, in the traditional education system, we have class tests, term exams, and annual exams. All these tests are compulsory for promotion to the next class.  

While we are talking about innovation in education in Pakistan, it would look incomplete if nothing new was added for testing purposes. Since the last few years, even our national competitive or aptitude tests have been conducted online.  

Anyway, ARVO digital books also provide an opportunity for students learning through ARVO to practice self-testing as they want and need to gauge their level of learning.

3D Model for Education 

Concept development is a crucial element of education. In traditional education, our teachers used metaphors or diagrams on charts or boards to explain the complex structures of Physics, Biology, or Chemistry for classes 11 and 12.  

ARVO books also bring a touch of adaptability to the understanding of complex structures, which are of course of foundational importance to ace in any subject, which is part of the course curriculum.  

The students will have a chance to access the 3D model training with digital education. Now, you will have no issues understanding how the human heart looks, how many valves it has, and which functions are performed by which part! ARVO digital books are here to give you a detailed 3D model from which to learn.  

Interactive Educational Learning Videos 

Technology has advanced so that you can become a part of the video you are watching. This concept is also known as virtual reality (VR). It is impossible that we are talking about innovation in education, and we exclude immersive videos. 

ARVO digital books will also provide a chance to learn through educational learning videos in real time.  

Class 11 & 12 Students Can Experience the Future Today 

After discussing the advantages our students can get from the ARVO digital books, we are happy. The students of intermediate classes 11th and 12th at PGC can experience the future of education today in Pakistan with ARVO digital books.  

Are you interested in learning more? 

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ARVO Education Press has brought the future of education in access today! With ARVO digital books, you can continue your learning like never before!  

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