How to List Education on Resume?


Without a doubt, training is one of the key aspects of the resume. It is one of the first things recruiters look at. The academic background of the candidate matters. They see who has sent them the resume. So you must put an interest in capturing information in this aspect when preparing your resume. The training goes beyond our main studies. As there is complimentary training that can be decisive when it comes to getting a job and that you cannot ignore.

But it may also be that you are forced to make a resume without having finished studying. You have to know how to include the studies without finishing in the CV. Below you will find the solution to all your doubts related to listing your education on your resume. Also a series of very interesting tips that will help you complete one of the basic blocks of any resume to stand out from the rest of the candidates who aspire to the same job as you.

How to list your education on your resume?

How to List Education on Resume?

How to List Education on Resume? The question that how to put education on your resume depends on your professional profile. Your years of experience are also taken into account in this regard. In this article, we will give you examples of how you should list your education information based on your history. The first question we have to solve is where the studies go on the resume, something that depends on the candidate. Training can be the second block, between personal data and professional experience. It can be relegated to the third block due to professional experience.

To list education on the resume of a professional is valuable with years of work experience. When you are a professional with years of work experience, the education section must be very punctual. That is, it must be written with precision and brevity. The important thing when making a resume is that you make it clear that you have an academic degree. You need to clarify the function in the vacancy where you want to work. To know how to make a good resume, it is necessary to list your academic training correctly. If you do not know how to make a resume without experience or how to list your academic background, in this article you will find the answer. It is quite easy for applicants to put the educational details on their resume. They only list your alma mater’s name, title, and graduation date. Easy.

Every professional must include the following information in the education section of their resume:

Writing the Academic Training section on a resume (key tips)

Here are common guidelines to follow when listing education on a resume:

Always include the following information:

  1. Start with your highest educational level.
  2. List all other grades in reverse chronological order.
  3. Delete your high school information if you have already graduated from college.
  4. Eliminate your graduation date if more than five years have passed.
  5. Name of the school, college, or university.
  6. Country or city where it is located.
  7. Degree obtained, that is, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate, among others.
  8. Graduation Year.
  9. Qualification only in case of being honorary.

Education on a student’s CV:

If you are still studying and want to get a part-time job. A summer job, or do a professional internship or your social service in a company. You should take the Academic Training section as the main axis of your resume.
Information about your last 3 degrees of study:
If you are about to finish high school or high school. You must enter the information of the college. The year of entry and that in which you will graduate. The same applies if you are about to graduate from college.
Before this, include the information on where you studied in secondary and primary school. That is, include the last three degrees of study you have with the name of the institution, years. Also if you have obtained an award of excellence for your qualifications, mention it.

Courses or congresses:

If you have participated in any relevant course that has to do with your area of ​​study. You should mention all of them in this section. Similarly, if you have attended conferences with curricular value, also mention them.
In the same way, suppose you are a student who took a creative writing course at the National School of Writers. You worked with renowned authors in the publishing world, you should also put it in this section.

How to list education on resume if still in college / high school?

You must be wondering that what to do in case of unfinished studies? when we have interrupted our studies for whatever reason. If you are not graduated yet. Or when we are forced to do a resume without having finished our training stage. We have a small problem since it is about some knowledge that we have acquired, but partially or incompletely.
The fact of having half studies can qualify us to carry out a job. But it is something that we must also know how to indicate in the resume since otherwise, it will not help us in our goal of getting a job.

Tips to add studies to CV:

Throughout the article, we have already seen some of the most interesting tips when it comes to listing our education on the resume. But it never hurts to remember them and see new tricks that will allow you to complete the best possible resume.


Once the academic training has been resolved. We proceed to the no less important complementary training of the resume. Even at the risk of seeming repetitive. The educational information can be the key element when choosing the candidates who go to the job interview. So it will be necessary to provide all the complementary education-related information for the position. Furthermore, Listing the education on the resume can indicate to recruiters that the candidate has an interest in further learning and increasing their knowledge or specializing in their field.

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