How to Excel in 10th class maths with Prep by PGC

If you are a matric student facing difficulty in preparing 10th class maths subject then this article is a must-read for you. In this article, we will discuss some of the important tips that will help you achieve maximum marks in the maths matric exam. But before we jump onto the tips, the main key player in excelling 10th class maths is Prep by PGC app. This app is introduced by Punjab Group of Colleges, a renowned name in academics, that gives you Free access to the latest matric preparatory resources. With this, we will let you know how you can easily ace 10th class maths with Prep by PGC app, which is free!

Prepare Maths Long and Short Questions

Preparing mathematical long and short questions can be quite a complicated task since one mistake in the mathematical equation can put you in trouble. This is why it is important to strengthen this part of the matric exam. For this, you must practice long and short questions from Prep by PGC in a separate rough register, because Prep by PGC includes all those important questions that are most likely to come in matric exams.

Clear Concepts With 10th class maths Video Lectures 

For mathematics, it is necessary to clear the concept first, since the calculations cannot be memorized. To have a full grip on maths and excel in its matric exams, you can lean on the Prep by PGC app. This app features video lectures that are pre-recorded and can be watched anytime and anywhere. Therefore, you must clear your concepts through 10th class maths video lectures in Prep by PGC app for you to get full marks in your maths matric exam.

10th Class Math App

Practice Maths MCQs 

MCQs or objective part is the trickiest section of the exam. Especially when it comes to maths, such tricky MCQs can be risky and can cost you a lot during exams. So, you must refer to 5000+ MCQs in Prep by PGC that will thoroughly prepare you for all kinds of MCQs. It is important to go through them, practice them repeatedly until you get a full grip on the concepts.

Revise Maths Past papers 

Once you have cleared your concepts and practiced them well, it is time to revise them all before your exam. While revising seems easy, it is very difficult for a student to revise all of the course in a short time. This is why past papers come in handy when it comes to revision. Past papers not only help you revise in a small time but also guides you on what kind of exam will come and which questions are most likely to come in your paper. Prep by PGC has all the latest maths past papers that will fully prepare you for your matric maths exam.

Self-Assess Your Maths Performance 

When you have followed all the steps of preparation from conceptualization, to practising and revising it thoroughly, it is time to finally assess your preparation to become confident about your preparation. While you need a teacher or a tuition center to assess your preparation, Prep by PGC offers you an online self-assessment test that you can take at the comfort of your home with absolutely no cost. With such self-assessment tests, you can analyse where your preparation stands and what more should be done to achieve your exam goals. Therefore, for 10th class maths, self-assessment tests of Prep by PGC app will completely prepare you and guide you in excelling in your maths matric exam.

So, if you are a matric student facing difficulty in 10th class maths then download Prep by PGC app and register yourself to get FREE access to latest preparatory resources of MCQs, short and long questions, past papers, video lecture and more for matric 10th class maths.


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