How do Employers Verify Education?

How do Employers Verify Education?

When you apply for a job, many employers verify your educational background. Even though it could be an extra step in the recruiting process to evaluate and confirm an applicant’s academic credentials, a thorough background check aids companies in finding and employing qualified candidates. A background check on your education also aids the business in getting to know you as a potential hire.

In this article, I will tell you how employers do educational background checks, including degree verification procedures and the repercussions if an applicant is found to have lied about their credentials.

What is Educational Background Check?

Education verification is the process of confirming a candidate’s degree or educational accomplishments during a pre-employment background check. This type of check is often used to confirm attendance dates and the qualifications listed on a resume.

How Do Employers Verify Your Educational Background?

You must be thinking, “How do potential employers do this?” Well, here is your answer.

1. Bring Your Documents

A hiring manager can occasionally request to see your diploma so they can keep a copy of it in your file. You might need to submit or acquire a sealed transcript if you are applying for other jobs.

2. Contacting Your References

A hiring manager may also verify your education by contacting the schools or universities where you studied. They may ask for a background check from universities that you studied in to verify that you told the truth on your resume.

3. Hiring a Third Party 

For the purpose of screening potential employees, However, sometimes employers hire a third-party organization that performs the task but it charges the employers for this verification. Your transcripts will be requested from the school or institution by third-party services in a similar way to an independent request from a business.

Why Do Employers Need Educational Verification?

You might ask why a hiring manager or business would want an education background check from you given a large amount of information they discover in regular background checks. Education verification is necessary for employers for many reasons. The first and most obvious step is to confirm that you have the necessary education and abilities.

Furthermore, a higher education demonstrates that you have the determination to set and achieve goals. The capacity to finish tasks and create goals is crucial for teamwork as well as for achieving organizational goals and objectives. Setting goals is a valuable skill that is highly sought after by employers.

Here are some additional reasons why employers should verify education:

1. For Making Informed Hiring Choices

Some applicants do exaggerate their experience or stretch the truth on their resumes. In order for employers to make an informed hiring decision, they must confirm the accuracy of the information provided about their education.

So, if they have to choose between two excellent applicants, educational accomplishments or advanced degrees may persuade them toward one of them, but they do not want to make that choice based on inaccurate information. that is why they need educational verification.

2. Evaluating Honesty

In addition to ensuring that a prospective recruit is qualified for the position, it is also beneficial to confirm that they were truthful in their application. Lying on an application calls into doubt not only a person’s qualifications but also their character. Since most businesses value these qualities in their employees so, they hire people who share these characteristics.

3. Deciding Salary

In most cases, an employer’s willingness to pay a new hire depends on variables including education level and accomplishments. A company could extend a more favourable offer to a candidate who graduated from a prestigious university if they feel that they are more qualified or better equipped for the role.

Additionally, if the chosen candidate has a graduate degree, many firms are ready to give a greater salary. Verifying that a candidate truly received the degree is important if employers are negotiating a salary with you based on your educational background.

Furthermore, there are also specific salary categories and formulas for some roles, such as those in the public sector and the educational sector, that are based on years of education and experience.

Employers in these industries are usually required to confirm all details regarding any education that will be utilized to qualify for a higher level, including years of attendance and the certificate awarded.

In the End

It can be tempting to make up information on your CV, including your educational background. Generally speaking, the harder it is to resist the impulse, the more attractive the work and the higher the salary. However, there is always a chance of getting caught at some point, which could lead to actions that you might regret later in life.

So, when you apply for a job, stay truthful as employers do educational verification before hiring you.


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