Child Labour

Child Labor

What is Child Labour? 

Child Labour is a disturbing economic strategy. It evolves to engage a child, an underage person, in earning activities at low remuneration is called putting the child in labour- Child Labour. Child Labor snatches away childhood from children in every aspect. It is an international issue. But, more on the rise since the evidence of covid-19. However, developing countries are more affected by the curse of child labour.  

Demographics of Child Labour 

Child labour is a global problem. The trend is on rising since the advancement of the coronavirus. According to UNICEF, children have been the hardest hit by socioeconomic factors of covid-19. Since the pandemic started, 100 million more children, in estimation, have become impoverished. The likelihood of child labour rises in tandem with the child poverty rate. 

Experts states, “We are now witnessing an increase in child labour to roughly one in ten children globally for the first time since 2000. And “Nearly half of these kids are working dangerous jobs that could affect their bodily and mental health.

National Statistics of Child Labour 

In Pakistan, child labour statistics are problematic. When distributing the Scoping research report on child labour in domestic work in Pakistan, Dr Meesha Iqbal observed that one in every four households hires a child for domestic work, primarily a girl between the ages of 10 and 14. 

 Moreover, in the country, children are employed in child labour, majorly in four areas known as household help, trash collection, and auto mechanic workshops. These activities not only throw children away from education and childhood life but also prone them to health risks to a greater extent as all these activities put the children at the exposure of physical and sexual abuse, exposure to harmful substances, illnesses, inclement weather, burns, cuts, and bruising. 

According to UNICEF reports, Child Labor in Pakistan estimates at around 3.3 million children. They are mainly employed in the carpet industry- approximately 90 per cent. Therefore, Pakistan is the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children, with an estimated 22.8 million aged 5-16 not attending school – 44 per cent of the population.

International Statistics of Child Labour 

Child Labour is not limited to countries like Pakistan. It is a universal matter of concern. During the pandemic execution of 2019-2020. According to the research, over 62 million children work as minors in Asia alone, and 28 million engage in the worst child labour. However, around 160 million children aged 5 to 17 years were engaged in child labour in 2020, with 79 million children involved in hazardous work.”

Causes of Child Labour 

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) research, child labour is mainly caused by poverty. The average annual per capita income in Pakistan was $1538 in 2021. Pakistan’s middle class makes less than $6 a day. The ordinary Pakistani must feed nine or ten people with their daily salary. A significant rate of inflation is also present. In 2022, the economic situation of the country will be ever-dropping.   Another cause of child labour in the country is the low cost and easy availability of child labourers’ work.

Prevention Measures of Child Labour 

Through five steps, we can eliminate the curse of child labour. These prevention measures are mentioned below.  

Financial Strength 

Becoming financially solid and stable at every economic level is the key to eliminating child labour from the map of the world.  

Management of Low-Income Families 

Low-income class must be regulated against the family formation and management problems—proper eye and guidelines for parents to provide survival opportunities to their children.  

Strict Management of Commercial & Domestic Employment 

Businesses and Domestic regulations must take strict actions to avoid child employment against low bucks.  

Increase in the Access to Education  

Children must be managed by regulatory bodies to ensure they are school getting an education.  

Economic Stability & Development 

The overall economic stability of a country is essential to be maintained. This will increase the per capita income, and the livelihood will be improved.  

Strick Actions Against Child Employers 

It is essential to take strict actions and punish child labourers in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. This will restrict people on domestic, commercial, and every other level from engaging underage children in economic activities.  

Spread Awareness  

Carry out awareness-raising actions both in schools for boys and girls and in workshops for adults and teachers. 

Fight Against Child Labour 

To achieve a good place in society, it is necessary to fight against child labour to eradicate it so that children can continue going to school and training to get out of the poverty in which they live and have a better future. 

Role of NGOs & Other Institutions 

Many NGOs and other organizations help many boys and girls have an opportunity, favouring their training at school. They ensure that children have access to education, and they work to protect children from exploitation and other dangers.


Child labour is a curse that snatches away a child’s childhood with dreams and a potentially fruitful future as the children miss out on every opportunity for education and learning; their life as adults become miserable with no or fewer chances of betterment, moreover, as a child, the harsh realities of labour exposure gets impressions of unforgotten able experiences leading to various psychological, physical, and emotional problems.  

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